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Tim Bartholomew

Speaker Topics

Motivation & Performance, Entertainment & Comedy, TV

Locations Covered​

- South East


£150 - £500


Short Notice

Profile Bio

Tim Bartholomew (or Tim Baker as he is known in real life), is a tall, balding and wrinkly actor, a comic novelist and, in drag as Mimsey McWirter, a children’s storyteller. Tim is – or at least was, as shall be seen – big in commercials, especially in Russia as the manager of a Twix factory, and as Richard Tea’s butler. That's all ground to a halt now, though, for one reason and another. In the UK at Christmas, he has appeared as Posh Santa for M&S (subsequently to be found as Bonkers Santa in grottos all over the Weald of Kent), the dotty Grandpa for ASDA and Scrooge for Curry’s PC World.

On television last year, Tim was cast as a vicar in Warner Bros' "Pennyworth", and as a certain political advisor's father in Sky's "This England" starring Kenneth Branagh as Boris Johnson.

Tim is also a bird photographer. His pictures are on Instagram (@timbakerbartholomew). He has a comedy website at On the writing front, he has just finished his fifth novel, a thriller entitled "Angel in Tobago" which is currently with his editor undergoing final checks.

Talk Description

The Acting Lark: The rise and potential fall of a commercial actor.

In an improvised and lively talk guaranteed to generate gales of laughter, Tim shares his insider's knowledge about appearances on TV in both commercials and dramas – from glamorous ego-boosting triumphs involving large amounts of money and international travel, to the vital but soul-destroying creation of casting self-tapes at home and firing them off into the ether... usually to complete silence.

Audience participation – indeed heckling – is encouraged as Tim reveals the secrets of the trade: the role of producers, "creatives", directors, casting directors, agents and, finally, the lowly actor.

Tim has given a version of this talk over the years to Probus groups, U3A and Rotary clubs from Tenterden to Trinidad.

Other Talks

Public Speaking and Voice Projection: finding your own voice in fifteen minutes. An audience-interactive workshop

Bird photography – Adventures with a long lens in the Caribbean.

Novel writing – The art and pitfalls of writing in the modern age.

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